Health and welfare services
Healthcare services
The city of Pori will provide basic healthcare services for exchange students. You have to prove your entitlement to public health care services. Citizens of EU/EEA/EFTA countries are entitled to necessary medical treatment through public health care if they have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card has to be ordered from their home countries before coming to Finland.
You can find more information about the health and social services from the city of Pori website (click the Health Centers)
- To see a public health nurse or a doctor in Pori you need to book an appointment by phone first.
- If you need a nurse or a doctor, please contact +358 2 621 5000. The telephone line for appointments is open Mon - Fri 8.00-16.00.
- In Peräsimentie apartments, your local Health Center is Health Center Cotton (Sote-keskus Cotton).
- The available basic services include services of nurse/doctor. Doctor's appointments are subject to a charge, but nurse's appointments are free of charge.
- Please notice that if you can’t come to the reserved appointment, you need to cancel it in time. Otherwise you will be charged 50 €.
- To use the services you do not need to be a member of a Student Union, however, you need to apply for a Finnish personal identity code once you have arrived to Pori.
Finnish Student Health Service FSHS
NOTICE! Remember to take your student card with you when using healthcare services!
The students in the University Consortium of Pori are entitled to healthcare provided by the Finnish Student Health Service FSHS. See more >>
A&E in case of emergencies
Emergency number: 112
Satakunnan keskussairaala (Satakunta Central Hospital), Sairaalantie 3, 28500 Pori.
Phone Service tel. (02) 627 6868
- on weekdays: 16.00–08.00
- on weekends and holidays: 24 h/day)
Student deaconess
The church wishes to be a part of people's everyday life. Therefore the students and staff at the University Consortium of Pori have their own deaconess they can turn to, when they:
- feel they can no longer cope with their studies, work, or life in general
- are feeling lonely
- are experiencing problems in a relationship
- need someone to talk to
You can contact the student deaconess by phone or e-mail. You can also meet her in “Porin seurakuntakeskus” (Eteläpuisto 10 A, 1st floor).
Student Deaconess Johanna Simola
0400-309 771