
Vierailuluento: Saarlor Chemical Project – A 1960s Franco-German Industrial Cooperation

Ajankohta: 22.03.2019 15:00-17:00
Paikka: Porin yliopistokeskus, LK 267 (2. krs.)
Osoite: Pohjoisranta 11 A

Tohtori Andrea Wurm (Universität des Saarlandes) luennoi perjantaina 22.3. klo 15-17 otsikolla Saarlor Chemical Project – A 1960s Franco-German Industrial Cooperation.

Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen. 

Starting in 1963, German Saarbergwerke AG (Saarland) and French Houillères du Bassin de Lorraine (HBL) mounted an industrial cooperation which – in times of coal crisis – was supposed to ensure the economic diversity and hence future perspectives for the two nationalised coal mining companies on either side of the border. The experiences gained from Saarlor Chemical Project paved the way for later international cooperations in the European Economic Community and therefore, the Saar-Lorraine border region can be regarded as a "laboratory of Europe."