
Netcod-tutkimusryhmän seminaari

Ajankohta: 04.03.2019 09:00-11:00
Paikka: Porin yliopistokeskus, lk 3001
Osoite: Pohjoisranta 11 A

Tervetuloa Netcod -tutkimusryhmän seminaareihin Porin yliopistokeskukseen.
Welcome to Netcod Research Group's seminars at UCPori.

Tarkemmat tiedot esityksistä ja esitettävät paperit saa viikkoa ennen esittäjiltä (etunimi.sukunimi(at)utu.fi). 
Seminaarien kieli on joko suomi tai englanti, yleisön ja esittäjän mukaan. Esityskalvot ovat usein englanniksi. 

The members of Netcod RG will find the papers from Moodle. Seminars will be held in Finnish or English, depending on the audience. Presentation slides are most often in English.

Networked Co-development Research Group's research seminars, Spring 2019 

Maanantai 4.3. 9.00-11.00, NH 3001

  • Arja Lemmetyinen:  Interactions, relationships and networks in the context of CCIs (Culture and Creative Industries) - a (systematic) literature review. Conference paper at a very early stage.
  • Shilpi Saxena: Worry-free return: How to do it and should it matter to E-tailing firm (related to PhD thesis)

Tiistai 26.3.  14.00-16.00, NH 231

  • Kirsi Kari: Challenges of project management in innovation networks
  • Muhammad Zafran: Retailer influence on consumer brand choice, Status of PhD thesis research

Keskiviikko 17.4. 14.00-16.00, NH 231

  • Mariia Syväri: Status of PhD thesis research related to Eco-entrepreneur's business models
  • Shilpi Saxena: An examination of E-return effectiveness of E-tailing firm and customer outcomes.: an experiment study (related to PhD thesis)

Tiistai 14.5. 14.00-16.00, NH 3001

  • Mervi Vähätalo & Tanja Lepistö: NFF conference paper focusing on developing micro and small firms
  • Olena de Andres Gonzalez: Topic will be announced later

Keskiviikko 5.6. 12.00-14.00, NH 3001 (English or Finnish)

  • Kaisa Aro: destination brand love - presentation of my next article, topic is coming later
  • Jaana Tähtinen: On emotions in business interactions, w-i-p conference paper